in Berlin and other States of Germany
MANEO records
violence directed against LGBTIQ+ people. This includes cases of physical violence, robbery and blackmail as well as sexual assaults, threats, insults, discrimination and bullying. Persons affected and
witnesses can report incidents and observations by phone, email or online, anonymously if preferred.
Once a year we analyse all the incidents known to us. We anonymise all the information and summarise it in a report, which we then make public. The documentation serves to clarify the dimensions of violence against LGBTIQ+ people in Berlin and contributes towards reducing the number of hidden cases. The findings are intended as a prompt for the adoption of specific measures to improve protection against violence and in the prevention of violence. With this in mind, we participate in numerous working groups and regularly share our findings in these groups.
Report acts of violence! Help as a witness!
Assault-helpline: +49 (0)30 – 216 33 36
Online reporting:
Our work sends out a signal. We demonstrate, in particular, that we do not silently accept violence,
discrimination and exclusion. We want to prevent perpetrators from feeling encouraged and
continuing in this way. Persons affected need our help and solidarity. Only if we talk about these
acts, and incidents become known, is there a chance of overcoming violence.
MANEO records cases of violence against gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, intersexual, transsexual and
queer people, which may also have affected other people, in going out together to scene venues (e.g.
clubs and events), or by showing solidarity e.g. displaying rainbow flags. Because our primary
concern is acts committed with an anti-LGBTIQ+ motive, we do not automatically rule out incidents
simply because the background is vague or unclear.
Hate acts are not always immediately recognisable as such. They can affect LGBTIQ+ people, but also
heterosexual people too, for example, at school, in the workplace, when doing sport and exercise or
in leisure activities or simply on the street. Homophobic and transphobic insults can also come from
LGBTIQ+ people themselves if, for example, they want to hide their own homosexuality and need to
“prove” themselves in their own peer group. The complexity of anti-LGBTIQ+ acts is illustrated by the
fact that a hate motive can potentially be associated with any criminal offence. The motive for the
offence can be disguised without the indications being immediately recognisable by persons
affected. Individuals can be affected, for example, as victims of theft, including theft perpetrated in
connection with sex, robbery, blackmail, traps on a blind date, damage to property, knock-out drops,
sexual assaults, exploitation, forced marriage, domestic violence, bullying, etc. If an insult is openly
homophobic, the rejection and denigration of the person are evident. But even crimes in which such
obvious denigration is absent may also be hate motivated.
That is why we are calling for any indications of anti-LGBTIQ+ violence to be reported to us. If you
would like to report an incident which took place some time ago, you are welcome to do this too.
Filling out our online reporting form does not mean that we are automatically notified that you ar
looking for advice. Rather, if you are looking for advice, please make sure to give us a call. Our hotline
is available is every day 5-7pm: 030-2163336. Only in this way can we deal with your request and
arrange a personal appointment with you.
We ensure your anonymity.
You have accessed the reporting form through our website. After you have filled out the reporting
form, it will be sent to our email address from our website, and not, for example, from your email
account. This means that we receive your completed reporting form anonymously.
The MANEO-Team